Sleeping Pills Rehab | Sleeping Pills Addiction Treatment

Sleeping pills are used to treat short-term sleep problems. There are many different types of sleeping pills, including benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, and antihistamines. If you fall into a pattern of taking them in higher doses to feel safe, then sleeping pill rehab can help you achieve lasting recovery.

Sleeping pills rehab - one-to-one therapy

Do I need to go to sleeping pill rehab?

There is a lot of stigma surrounding rehab support, which can act as a barrier to accepting that you need help.

It is important to remember that sleeping pill addiction is a condition which requires professional support to overcome. Signs that you would benefit from sleeping pill rehab include:

  • Using sleeping pills alone to treat mental health problems
  • Deciding whether to attend social events based on whether drugs are available
  • Obsession with getting the next dose
  • Losing control over sleeping pill use
  • Social withdrawal
  • Neglecting personal appearance
  • Losing interest in activities that were once enjoyed
  • Taking part in risky behaviours
  • Doctor shopping – going to different doctors to get multiple sleeping pill prescriptions
  • Withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit sleeping pills
  • Secretiveness – such as lying about how taken and hiding evidence of substance use
  • You have been the subject of an intervention

It is important to remember that sleeping pill cravings are progressive. The sooner you accept that you need help, the easier recovery will be.

Side effects of sleeping pills

There are both short- and long-term effects of sleeping pills. Short-term effects include:

  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Euphoria
  • Impaired judgement
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhoea
  • Sleep walking such as sleep eating, driving, and having sex
  • Increased risk of accidents, especially if you are over sixty-five years old

Sleeping pills rehab - woman experiencing headache

Long-term effects include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nightmares
  • Amnesia
  • Liver problems
  • Stomach pain
  • Chest pain and palpitations
  • Overdose

An overdose happens when you take too many sleeping pills for your body to handle. Overdosing can be very dangerous, causing sedation, coma, and even death. If you see someone overdose on sleeping pills, you should call 999 immediately.

Sleeping pills rehab treatment

Detoxing from Sleeping Pills

At Linwood House, we offer medical detox so that you are as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We provide a safe, residential environment for you to recover in. As well as having access to medication to help with physical withdrawal symptoms, you will have support from therapists if you are struggling with psychological symptoms. Detox can sometimes be uncomfortable and even dangerous if attempted alone. That’s why our expert staff are on hand to support you every step of the way.

Sleeping Pill Withdrawal Side Effects

  • Rebound insomnia as the body needs the drug to fall asleep – rebound insomnia is often worse than what you experienced before you started taking sleeping pills. Sleeping pills with a longer half-life will likely cause longer rebound insomnia.
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Circulation problems
  • Hand tremors
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Delirium
  • Seizures in rare cases
  • Increased sensitivity to light, noise, and touch
  • Cravings

Withdrawal Timeline

The severity of withdrawal symptoms and the length of them will differ depending on who you are. Factors that affect this include age, weight, metabolism, mental and physical health, and how long and heavily you have been using the drug. A common withdrawal timeline is as follows.

Days one to two

Withdrawal symptoms will usually start within twenty-four to seventy-two hours from your last dose. You can expect withdrawal symptoms to start sooner for drugs with shorter half-lives. Common symptoms at this point include confusion, mood changes, and memory loss. People who were using heavily may experience vomiting.

Days three to five

Symptoms peak and may include anxiety, cravings, sweating, increased heart rate, and tremors.

Days six to fourteen

At this point, symptoms subside.

Post-acute withdrawal

Some people will continue to experience psychological symptoms for weeks or even months. These symptoms can include insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, and poor concentration. This is more likely if you have been using it heavily and for a long time.

Sleeping pills rehabilitation at Linwood House

In order to maintain long-term abstinence, it is recommended to go to rehabilitation, otherwise known as sleeping pill rehab. In sleeping pill rehab, you will have therapy to help you understand your addiction, the reasons you developed an addiction, and your relapse triggers. Understanding the psychological aspects of your drug use is important so that you do not fall back into drug use.

When you first come to us, you will be assessed by our Health Professional, who will go through your medical and drug-taking history so that we best understand your individual needs.

At Linwood House, you will learn skills-based techniques for dealing with triggers. You will also receive one-to-one therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and group therapy. CBT can help you replace unhealthy thoughts and behaviours with healthy ones, allowing you to create a new healthy, drug-free lifestyle. Group therapy allows you to speak with people who are going through similar experiences so that you can learn from each other and feel that you are not alone.

Does Linwood House offer any rehab and detox programme for sleeping pills?

Linwood House offers the following rehab programmes for sleeping pill addiction:

Zolpidem rehab: Zolpidem is a prescription drug used to treat severe insomnia. Find out more about zolpidem addiction and how Linwood House can help you on your recovery journey.

Zopiclone rehab: Zopiclone is a prescription sleeping pill used to treat severe insomnia. Learn more about its addictive properties and how Linwood House can help if you or a loved one have developed an addiction.

Zaleplon button

Zaleplon addiction treatment

Zaleplon addiction treatment involves medically supervised detox to manage withdrawal, cognitive-behavioral therapy to address addiction behaviors, and support groups for sustained recovery and relapse prevention.

Zaleplon addiction treatment →

Zolpidem button

Zolpidem addiction treatment

Zolpidem addiction treatment involves medically supervised detox to handle withdrawal symptoms, cognitive-behavioral therapy to address addictive behaviors, and support groups for long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

Zolpidem addiction treatment →

Zopiclone button

Zopiclone addiction treatment

Zopiclone addiction treatment includes medically supervised detox to manage withdrawal, cognitive-behavioral therapy to address addictive behaviors, and support groups for long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

Zopiclone addiction treatment →


After you go to rehab for sleeping pills, it can be difficult to return to your life. In rehab, you were free from distraction and temptation. This is why it is important to continue receiving support. With ongoing therapy and support groups, you can continue dealing with your relapse triggers to maintain long-term abstinence.

If you have stayed at Linwood House for three weeks or more, you will have access to our free aftercare workshops, including our narcotic anonymous meetings, a twelve-step programme that many find extremely beneficial for their recovery.

If you are ready to seek support or would like to learn more about Linwood House, please get in touch; we would be very happy to help. You can call us any day or time, and you will usually be admitted to rehab within twenty-four hours.

Frequently asked questions

What are the safest ways to detox from sleeping pills?
The safest way to detox from sleeping pills is to get professional help. Our sleeping pill detox program will guide you through safely and with medical professionals on hand to make sure you feel comfortable. Trying to go cold turkey or detox alone can be dangerous, and it is never recommended.
How long does it take for sleeping pills to get out of your system?
Different kinds of sleeping pills will have different half-lives, but you can expect the strongest withdrawal symptoms to have worn off after 72 hours. After a week to ten days, you should be free of almost all of the symptoms.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

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03301 736 751