Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment | Detox & Rehab

Crack cocaine is an incredibly dangerous drug that can devastate lives and communities. It is highly addictive, which makes it very difficult to quit without professional treatment. At Linwood House, we have helped many people overcome crack addiction and begin to rebuild their lives. Our crack cocaine addiction treatment programmes combine detox, a range of different rehab therapies and ongoing aftercare to make sure you have everything you need to start a new life free from crack cocaine.

Cack cocaine addiction treatment therapy

Crack cocaine detox

Crack cocaine detox is when you stop using crack cocaine and let your body get rid of all traces of the drug. However, when you stop using crack cocaine, you will likely feel really strong cravings for the drug and other symptoms of “withdrawal”. These symptoms occur because your brain has become used to crack cocaine in your system, and it takes some time to adjust to not having it anymore.

During drug detox at Linwood House, our doctors and nurses help you manage these crack withdrawal symptoms. They will give you a full medical examination when you arrive and make a plan to help you through detox safely. They may also give you medicine to help you feel better and support you through the tough times. Once the crack cocaine detox is complete, you will be in better physical and mental shape to begin the next stage of treatment for crack addiction.

What to expect during crack withdrawal

Everyone’s experience during detox is different, but typical crack withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cravings: When you first stop taking crack you will likely experience intense urges to use the drug again which can be very hard to resist. This is a major reason why people who attempt “cold turkey” crack cocaine detox at home often fail.
  • Fatigue: Crack cocaine is a stimulant, so without it, your body can feel drained, and you may feel extremely tired and low on energy.
  • Depression: Many people feel very sad or hopeless during withdrawal. This is because crack cocaine affects the brain’s reward system, and without it, your mood can drop significantly.
  • Anxiety and irritability: You may also feel very anxious, nervous or easily irritated because your body is stressed from adjusting to the absence of crack.
  • Sleep problems: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or all common crack withdrawal symptoms.
  • Increased appetite: Some people experience a strong increase in hunger during withdrawal, which is the body’s way of trying to regain energy.
  • Mental fog: You may also have trouble thinking clearly or concentrating because your brain is trying to rebalance itself after the drug use.

These symptoms can start within a few hours after the last use of crack cocaine and can last for several days to a couple of weeks. Linwood House’s medical support can help manage these symptoms and help you through each stage of crack withdrawal.

Crack cocaine rehab

Crack cocaine rehab therapy is a program designed to help people stop using crack cocaine and stay drug-free. It is important because it addresses the reasons behind crack cocaine use and teaches new ways to live without relying on drugs.

While detox helps your body get rid of the drug and manage withdrawal symptoms, rehab therapy focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of drug addiction. The crack cocaine detox stage usually lasts just a couple of weeks, but rehab therapy usually needs more time to be effective. It is crucial because crack use affects not just your body but also your mind and emotions. It is easy to fall back into old habits without addressing these deeper issues.

At Linwood House, our drug rehab programme is led by our team of expert therapists, counsellors and support staff. They will guide you through treatments and therapies, reassure you during difficult moments and help you plan for life after rehab

Crack rehab therapies at Linwood House

Linwood House provides a comprehensive range of therapies and support to cover all of your needs and build foundations for a crack-free future. Our rehab treatment therapies include:

Personal counselling

You will have one-on-one sessions with a therapist who will help you explore the root causes of your crack use and develop strategies to overcome them. These private sessions are designed to address your specific challenges and goals in a setting that encourages you to open up.

Group therapy

In group therapy sessions, you will meet with others who are also working to overcome their own substance abuse disorders. Sharing experiences and learning from each other in a supportive environment can be incredibly powerful and encouraging.

Family therapy

Drug use often affects the entire family, and our family therapy sessions help repair relationships and teach family members how to support you through recovery. This can create a stronger, more supportive home environment when it’s time to leave Linwood House.

Holistic treatments

We also offer activities like yoga, meditation, and art therapy to support overall well-being. These holistic treatments help reduce stress, improve mental health, and provide new, healthy ways to express your emotions, relax after difficult therapy sessions, and have a little fun.

Personal therapy


Aftercare and relapse prevention

Recovery continues even when you leave Linwood House. Our aftercare programme, completely free, ensures you keep getting the support you need as you adjust to regular life again through weekly group therapy for a whole year.

These sessions will give you the chance to talk to others about the ups and downs you face after crack cocaine rehab. They will also help you stick to the relapse prevention plan you create while you are with us. This plan includes different ways to manage stress, make healthier choices and prevent a return to drug use. Here are some of the things you will learn to do:

Spotting triggers

You will learn to recognise what situations, places or people make you want to use crack again so you can avoid or handle them better.

Coping skills

We will teach you various healthy ways to deal with stress and other tough emotions. This might be things like deep breathing, mindfulness or getting active with something like walking or yoga.

Building a support system

It is important to have friends, family and peers who support you. Going to regular group therapy or support meetings like Narcotics is a big part of this and we can help to connect you with these meetings.

Living healthy

Taking care of your body with good food, exercise and enough sleep helps keep you strong and focused on staying clean.

Setting goals

You will set big and small goals to give you something positive to aim for. Reaching these goals can keep you motivated and feeling good about your progress.

Having an emergency plan

We will help you plan what to do if you feel tempted to use crack again. This might include calling a friend, going to an extra therapy session or finding something fun to distract yourself.

With these tips and the support you get from aftercare, you can keep up the good work you started in rehab and build a happy, crack-free life.

Begin crack cocaine addiction treatment at Linwood House

If you or a loved one is struggling with crack cocaine addiction, Linwood House is here to help. Our compassionate team is dedicated to guiding you through every stage of recovery, from detox to rehab and beyond. We understand how tough it can be, but you don’t have to do it alone. Contact us today and start your journey to a healthier, happier, crack-free life.

Frequently asked questions

Can you die from crack withdrawal?
It is very rare to die from crack withdrawal, but it can be very uncomfortable and challenging. Medical supervision during detox can help manage crack withdrawal symptoms and keep you safe.
How long do I go to rehab for crack?
The time needed for crack rehab can vary, so at Linwood House, we offer different lengths of programmes. The length of time that is right for you depends on your individual needs and progress and is best discussed with your recovery team.
How much does crack addiction treatment cost?
At Linwood House, the cost of crack addiction treatment varies depending on your length of stay. Contact us today for detailed pricing information and to discuss payment options to suit your circumstances.
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