Amphetamine Addiction Treatment | Detox & Rehab

Amphetamines can be life-changing drugs for sufferers of ADHD and certain other conditions, but for those who have fallen victim to amphetamine addiction, life can be a constant struggle. The powerful grip of drug addiction can be incredibly hard to break, leading to physical, emotional and social turmoil. However, there is hope. Amphetamine addiction treatment at Linwood House can provide all the treatment and support you need to regain control of your life and redirect it towards a positive, prosperous future. Our treatment for amphetamine addiction involves three stages – detox, rehab and relapse prevention – all of which are crucial for lasting recovery.

Amphetamine addiction treatment therapy

Amphetamine detox

Amphetamine detox is the process of removing amphetamines from your body. It is always the first step in amphetamine addiction treatment because when you use amphetamines for a long time, your body and brain can become dependent on them. This means your body gets used to amphetamines for normal functioning so if you suddenly stop using them, your systems react by going into “withdrawal”. Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, distressing and even dangerous and this is why it is crucial to have medical professionals oversee your detox.

At Linwood House, our drug detox programmes are designed to be completely supportive, with our healthcare team watching over you to make sure you stay safe and comfortable during detox. We create an amphetamine detox plan just for you, delivered in a peaceful and caring environment where you can relax and focus on getting better. Once drug detox is finished and you are feeling physically and mentally stronger, we will help you move on to the other stages of treatment for amphetamine addiction.

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms and timeline

Everyone is different, so your experience with amphetamine withdrawal may not be the same as somebody else’s. However, here are some common amphetamine withdrawal symptoms and a typical timeline for the detox process so you can have a better idea of what to expect:

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms

  • Feeling very tired and lacking energy
  • Depression, hopelessness, and just feeling down
  • Having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Feeling nervous, anxious or worried
  • Experiencing strong amphetamine cravings
  • Feeling hungrier than usual and eating more
  • Feeling easily annoyed or angry
  • Finding it difficult to think or move around properly

Amphetamine withdrawal timeline

The timeline for withdrawal can vary from person to person but usually goes something like this:

First 24-48 hours

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms can begin within a few hours to a day after your last dose of amphetamines. At first, you might feel very tired, hungry, and irritable, and you may start to experience your first cravings.

Days 2-5

This is when amphetamine withdrawal symptoms are usually the worst, and you may experience severe fatigue, depression, anxiety and strong cravings. It can also be very hard to sleep or concentrate during these early days of amphetamine detox.

Days 5-7

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms usually start to get better after about a week. You might still feel tired and have mood swings, but they should be less intense, and you will hopefully be able to rest more comfortably.

Person suffering from amphetamine withdrawal

Weeks 2-4

Some mental symptoms, like depression, anxiety and cravings, can continue for a few weeks, but all physical ones should be starting to disappear altogether.

1 Month and beyond

A few people may experience lingering mental symptoms for a few months, but these usually improve over time with proper support and treatment.

Amphetamine rehab treatment

Amphetamine rehab treatment is the next step after detox, and it’s all about helping you stay off drugs and learn how to live a healthy life without them. While detox gets the amphetamines out of your body, drug rehab helps you deal with the reasons why you used them in the first place.

Amphetamine rehab involves doing different types of therapy to take a close look at your life, relationships and mental health so that you can get a better understanding of what has led you to this point. Knowing the reasons behind your addiction can then enable you to deal with those reasons without returning to amphetamine use. You will learn new ways to handle stress, deal with any problems in your life, and manage difficult emotions. If you only detox without working through the underlying issues, it is very easy to fall back into old habits and start using amphetamines again if things get tough.

Amphetamine rehab therapy at Linwood House

The most effective rehab treatment programmes combine different types of therapies. Here’s a breakdown of just a few of the different treatment therapies you will experience at Linwood House:

One-on-one counselling

These are private sessions that create a safe space for you. Together with your therapist, you will explore your feelings and problems to understand why you initially used amphetamines and find different ways to deal with those issues.

Group therapy

These sessions are a chance to meet other people who are also trying to quit drugs or overcome their own addictions. Sharing your stories and hearing theirs can make you feel less alone with everyone supporting each other’s recovery.

Family therapy

Family therapy helps resolve any problems at home and ensures your loved ones know how to support you. It brings everyone closer together and rebuilds relationships that have been harmed by amphetamine use.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT helps you change your thoughts and gives you greater control over your emotions. It teaches you the link between your thoughts, actions and behaviours and how to focus only on the positive ones.

Holistic therapies

These include activities like yoga, meditation and art therapy, which can help you relax and feel good. They can support your overall well-being, relieve stress during rehab and give you new ways to enjoy life after you leave.

Personal therapy

Holistic therapy

Relapse prevention and aftercare

Linwood House’s support doesn’t finish when your time in rehab is up. During your treatment, we will help you make a personal plan to prevent relapse. This will combine many tried and tested strategies which will help you to face life’s challenges, such as:

Attending aftercare

We offer all our amphetamine rehab clients free group therapy every week for a year. This helps you stay sober during difficult moments and gives you somebody to talk to whenever needed.

Joining a local support group

Local support groups like Narcotics Anonymous can be a great place to meet people on their own recovery journeys, keep you accountable and continue your path to wellness.

Setting goals

Setting small, achievable goals gives you something positive to work towards and motivates you to stay sober. Whether learning a new skill, improving your fitness or working towards a career goal, having something to strive for can make a big difference.

Building a strong support network

Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your journey can also make a huge difference as they can offer encouragement, listen when you need to talk and help you stay focused on your goals.

Avoiding triggers

Learning to recognise and avoid triggers that may lead to relapse is crucial. This might involve changing your environment, avoiding certain people or situations or finding new ways to cope with stress.

Begin treatment for amphetamine addiction today

At Linwood House, we understand how challenging amphetamine addiction can be but we want you to know that recovery is possible. Our amphetamine detox, rehab and aftercare programmes are designed to support you through every stage of your journey. Reach out to us today to learn more about our treatment options.

Frequently asked questions

Can I do a home detox from illicit amphetamines?
Detoxing from amphetamines, whether illicit or prescription, requires medical support to prevent any accidents during withdrawal. It is important to know that you will not get into any legal trouble for detoxing from illicit amphetamines and that Linwood House has the strictest confidentiality procedures.
How much does amphetamine addiction treatment cost?
The cost of treatment for amphetamine addiction depends on how long you stay at Linwood House. Contact us directly for up-to-date prices, and we will do everything possible to create a payment plan that works for you.
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