Addiction Treatment Information For Families | Help Guide

Although families are often in the best position to identify addiction in loved ones, sometimes the signs can be subtle, which makes it difficult to identify if an addiction is present. Especially if your loved one is in denial and hiding their pain.

Help is available

We have created a list below which highlights the signs of potential addiction. If your loved one opens up about their behaviour, it’s important to encourage them to seek rehab. Here, they will learn healthy coping mechanisms and deal with the underlying issues that lead to addiction, so they can comfortably change their behaviour.

Please do not encourage anyone to give up drugs or alcohol on their own. Detoxification is something that needs to be done in a medically supervised manner, as the symptoms of withdrawal (especially alcohol withdrawal) can be extremely dangerous.

If you are worried about a loved one, you can contact us to discuss the options. However isolated you feel, you are not alone and we are here to help you through the process.

Signs of potential addiction

  • Frequent and unexplained mood swings
  • A change in appearance – sudden weight loss or gain
  • A loss of interest in personal appearance
  • Disappearing for extended, and unexplained, periods of time
  • Disappearance of items or money from the home
  • A change in friends or social circles
  • Secretive behaviour

Finding a long-term solution

We must reiterate the importance of detoxing with the help of medical professionals. If the addiction is severe, going through withdrawal could represent life-threatening medical danger. Attempting to force your loved one to detox without medical supervision could be very dangerous.

Once the person has been through detox, this will have removed any traces of harmful substances from their bloodstream. However, it will not have addressed their addiction. Detox is the necessary first step to prevent withdrawal symptoms; it won’t address the psychological and emotional issues that stimulate addiction. Comprehensive rehabilitation with therapy and support is required to help the person address any underlying issues, understand their triggers and implement methods to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms when they return home.

Residential detox and rehabilitation at Linwood House

For some people, the best solution to tackling their addiction is through residential care. This allows them space and the 24-hour medical support they need to detox and start on their road to recovery through rehabilitation.

Read more about our drug detox and alcohol detox services

Detox is only the first stage, however, and we also provide residential rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can be an immediate follow on from detox. If they do not need detox, they can just enter our rehabilitation programme.

Read more about our drug rehab and alcohol rehabilitation services

Once they leave Linwood House, we offer an aftercare service to continue supporting them on the road to recovery.

Read more about our aftercare service

Read our FAQ page for more information on Linwood House and the services we provide.