Ativan (lorazepam) rehab

When Ativan takes over your life, it can be as isolating as it is damaging. Knowing you aren’t alone is vital to long-term recovery. Ativan rehab at Linwood House gives you the tools you need for sobriety and a support network that extends beyond our doors. Support is available, and Ativan rehab can help you break free of addiction’s grip and start building a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

Ativan rehab - one-to-one therapy

Why Is Ativan rehab important?

A common misconception is that prescription medications are safe since a healthcare professional prescribes them. The truth is that while Ativan can be safe when used as directed, it comes with some dangers when it is not.

Ridding your body of Ativan is the first crucial part of rehabilitation and is best done under medical supervision. Apart from physical dependence, there is a psychological dependence on prescription medication that can not be left unaddressed if a person wishes to have long-term sobriety.

Ativan rehab allows a person to explore addiction’s underlying causes and psychological elements. Addressing these provides them with the tools and skills to abstain from drug use after treatment. We know that recovery requires dedication, commitment and a strong support team.

Do I really need Ativan rehab?

We know that addiction can manipulate and convince you and your loved ones to think that you are fine or that you can overcome dependency on your own. However, ignoring your condition will only make matters worse.

We can guide you through the signs that you may need Ativan rehab and the treatment options available.

The following questions may also help:

  • Do you take lorazepam for a longer period or in larger amounts than you originally intended?
  • Have you tried to cut down on lorazepam use but found that you are not able to?
  • Do you experience a strong desire or craving to use lorazepam?
  • Have you struggled to fulfil your major obligations or responsibilities at work, home or school because of lorazepam use?
  • Do you spend much time obtaining, using or recovering from the effects of lorazepam?
  • Have you given up recreational or social activities because of lorazepam use?
  • Have you experienced interpersonal or social problems due to drug use but continued to use lorazepam?
  • Have you experienced unpleasant mental and physical symptoms when you stop lorazepam use?
  • Have you needed to take higher amounts or more frequent doses of lorazepam to feel the same effects?
  • Have you used lorazepam in situations where it is dangerous – such as driving or operating machinery?

If the answer to any of these is yes, it is worth reaching out to an addiction specialist or mental health professional. Contact Linwood House today to find out about our treatment options for overcoming Ativan addiction.

What can I expect in Ativan rehab?

In Ativan rehab, a person has the opportunity to explore and discover more about themselves. Various addiction therapies are used to help you identify the underlying reasons for starting drug use, as well as triggers that may cause you to use the drug again.

Therapists will help you devise coping skills and provide you with tools to respond to these triggers healthily through individual sessions so that you can apply them outside of our treatment centre. Fellow peers will also share their experiences and coping skills in group settings, providing you with support throughout your recovery.

Our therapies may include:

Ativan rehab - group therapy

Depending on your needs, you may also get involved in art and music therapy, guided meditation, yoga, sports or educational workshops. These additional treatments can help you further heal through expression, release stress, and improve your overall well-being.

Many of our therapists have been through rehab, meaning they understand what is needed for long-term recovery. With their caring and compassionate support and the peer network you will become part of, you will not be left to deal with difficulties on your own. Instead, you will be part of a community, a strong family unit working toward recovery together.

As our client Tr shares,

“My stay at Linwood was the best thing I have ever done, I feel clean, dry and equipped with the tools to help me in the presence of dangers on the outside. My therapist Gaynor has been lovely, my therapy has been good and helped me in my journey of sobriety.”

Aftercare and ongoing support at Linwood House

Living in our private inpatient facility will provide you with a safe and supportive environment, but we know that transitioning back into daily life may come with challenges.

Once you leave Ativan rehab, we provide you with ongoing support and aftercare so that you do not have to transition back to normal life alone.

We offer aftercare workshops and group sessions to anyone that has stayed with us for three weeks or more. If difficult moments arise, you can also reach out to our alumni network – a programme that offers phone calls and message groups – for support. The alumni programme also organises sober social gatherings so that you can remain part of a sober peer support network that will encourage you to stay away from Ativan.

You will also have the opportunity to attend Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, which can continue to help you even after you complete your treatment at Linwood House.

How can I prevent relapse?

Identifying your drug-use triggers and understanding the underlying causes of your condition place you at an advantage; Ativan rehab can mean the difference between long-term sobriety and relapse. At Linwood House, we provide you with all the tools you may need to prevent relapse.

However, we know that there are many challenges outside rehab and that relapse does occur. It is important to know that the road to recovery requires long-term dedication and work; therefore, relapse should not be seen as a failure. Instead, it is a sign that you may need to get back on track and reach out for continued or modified treatment.

In the case that relapse does occur, our support team is there for you. You can reach out to us 24/7 with your thoughts and concerns, and we will provide you with the best help possible.

What do I do next?

If you are struggling with an Ativan, the first and best thing to do is to reach out for help. Contact our admissions team with any of your questions and concerns. We will be happy to guide you through the admissions process and provide you with more information about Ativan rehab and the treatment options available.

Frequently asked questions

Is it hard to detox from Ativan?
Withdrawal can be intense and potentially deadly. The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies according to several factors, including the amount of lorazepam used, the duration and frequency of use, and a person’s mental and physical health. Ativan withdrawal syndrome may occur for heavy users, which requires a supervised medical detox. Attempting to drastically cut back or abruptly stop using the drug is dangerous, and an at-home detox can result in returning to drug use as a means to cope with symptoms. It is always best to undergo detox at a detox clinic.
How long do lorazepam withdrawal symptoms last?
Some withdrawal symptoms may be relieved after six to eight hours, while others may decrease by the fourth or fifth day of detox. However, some people may experience less intense symptoms that persist for months.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

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03301 736 751